Suppose you have a long page and you want
to make those "back to top" links or you want to divide it into many
sections, what will you do?
Don't let it take your breath away.
To get a top button linked to your page, do this:
Go anywhere between the <BODY> tags and type this:
<A HREF="#top">TOP</A>
This means that an anchor has been placed on the page.
# means an anchor in HTML.
Now go above the text you want the "TOP" link to be linked and type this:
<A NAME="top"></A>
(the name after the anchor sign in the <A HREF> tag)
(I am just putting this picture here so that you can understand the effect of the top link)
I will give the example of the top link here:
When you have click the above link, you will go back to the
top of the page!
It is the same with other within-page-links.
You just have to replace the "#top" with "#name of section on the page"
in the <A HREF> tag. Go ahead and replace the "name of the section" with the name of the section you want it to be linked to. Go above the text you want to be linked to the link you created and type <A NAME="text after the # sign in the A HREF tag>. You can see an example in the form tutorial.
You will see that if you click the links in the form elements list on the page, you are transported to that section.