Lets get going then:
If you want people to send you an email by clicking a link on your page
every time they visit your page:
<A HREF="mailto:your_address@site.com">
As you can see:
The "http://www." is replaced by "mailto:".
This is the trick!
Go ahead and place your email address in place of
I am creating one of my self:
When you click on the above link you should see Outlook Express with
the "To" field filled in with one of my email address in it
i.e deepanjan_datta@hotmail.com
To do this, first get a graphic from the net or from you computer.
Now do this:
<A HREF="mailto:your_address@site.com">
<IMG SRC="name of the graphic" border="()">
Here is an example:
<A HREF="mailto:deepanjan_datta@hotmail.com">
<IMG SRC="an8[4].gif" border="()"></A>
This will give us this:
You see an email graphic.